
Hello, and welcome to my site.

From here, I’ll be sharing new works and demonstrations, talking about my process, and generally pondering the nature of art and life.

I hope that you enjoy the pieces I currently have up on the site. In my work, I try to explore both the movement and stillness of life, from the way people gather and separate on the street, to the quiet, fleeting moments of beauty that our landscape provides – those flashes when the world gives us a glimpse of something magical and timeless.

The observation of light is integral to my work, as it both illuminates and disguises, changing our perceptions of the everyday into something extraordinary.

On the Paintings for Sale page above, you’ll find a variety of subject and mood, from longer studies to quick, expressive sketches laid down in the moment. Together, they’ll give you a good idea of what interests me as an artist.

For more realised works, please visit the Galleries and Associates page above. Prints and cards of selected works are also available.